Thursday, May 28, 2009

varibale not defined from javascript validation

if when validating a form with javascript you have:

if(errorMsg!= ""){
return false;
} else {

from the line with the name of the form, try using document.form.submit();

Friday, May 22, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

usain bolt sets new world record over 150m

check out the video
this yute is crazy. and he will only get faster and faster and faster...
you get the pic :)

how to validate an fckeditor using javascript

i have had some problems finding out how to validate the fckeditor. i just found out. in between the script tags for javascript, declare a variable for the edior: var editorValue = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('name_of_editor') ;

you can check if its empty by using this: if(editorValue.EditorDocument.body.innerHTML == "<p> <br> </p>"){
msg += " \n";

you use the "

" because by default, it places any value of the editor between the p and br tags.

im sure im saving some people the time it took me to figure it out.

current version of ubuntu in use

sigh. after uninstalling the new jaunty jackalope from ubuntu because i did an upgrade from intrepid ibex, i found out about the lts versions of ubuntu. Long Term Support. I tried ubuntu 8.04 which is the current lts and didnt like it. I had some problems with the wireless and some other things. i toold it off and installed the version i had before i did the upgrade to jaunty and im good now. wireless works and i love how my laptop runs. i also found a tutorial on how to make the intrepid ibex look like the mac os-x and it was good and easy and had something that i had wanted from the first tutorial i used to make my ubuntu look like the os-x. that is the globalmenuapplet. it works now. im worried about the updates for intrepid. updates only last for 18 months after the release of a version. i had a bag experience with the upgrade and so will use intrepid until the updates time period is finished. then i will try the new lts.