Friday, January 29, 2010

adding favicon icon using .htaccess file

wanted to save myself the problem of adding the code to all the pages i use to show the favicon so i researched it. this is how it is added to the .htaccess file:

AddType image/x-icon .ico
RewriteRule ^favicon.ico favicon.ico [NC,L]

the icon has to be in the root of the server files

Friday, January 22, 2010

Add multiple rows dynamically with javascript

this function can be modified to take the amount of rows to create. i just hard coded the amount due to time :D

javascript code

function addTableCell(tblElement)
var tbl = document.getElementById(tblElement);
var celTitle = "Session Title";
var cellName = "session_title";

for( var n = 0; n < lastrow =" tbl.rows.length;" iteration =" lastRow;" row =" tbl.insertRow(lastRow);" titlecell =" row.insertCell(0);" titlelabel =" document.createTextNode(celTitle);" cellright2 =" row.insertCell(1);" el2 =" document.createElement('input');" type =" 'text';" name =" cellName" size =" '30';" class =" 'flatTextbox';" celtitle = "Session Description" cellname = "session_desc" n =" 0;" tbl =" document.getElementById(tblElement);" tbl =" document.getElementById('addcell');" lastrow =" tbl.rows.length;"> 1) tbl.deleteRow(lastRow - 1);
//if (lastRow > 3) tbl.deleteRow(lastRow - 1);


html code
this was in another table. highlight and view code for fields and buttons

Session Title
Session Description

and this is the code to accomplish adding and removing the last inserted fields

Sunday, January 17, 2010

interpretation of "On to the next one" - Jay-z

this video highlight some of the meanings of the symbols that jay-z uses in his video "on the next one". look out for a site that i will be doing. uogw. coming soon...............

Saturday, January 9, 2010