Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Use of # or javascript:void()

correction, use javascript:void(0); having the link will carry you to a page regardless of the return false;

i tested but my cache was not cleared.

Use of # or javascript:void()

i have tried both. the # makes the page refresh and i didnt want that. i used the javascript:void and it did what i want it to do but then i read somewhere that users wont be able to right click, not that the link would have allowed that. so, this is what i do, i use any link name, e.g. but then i add "onclick = 'return false;'" so it becomes

you can still use the return false even if you call a function. call the function then return false;

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Just scanned through an article awhile ago about what happens to a persons souls after they die (will post the name of the site when I get up, I want to sleep).

It started out by saying that the soul is more complicated than it appears and that there might be about five (5) aspects of the soul.

It said that, when a person dies:
1. their soul may go to Heaven
2. Their soul may go to Hell
3. Their soul may come back in a new born
4. Their soul may go to a person already living or an animal.

This just came to mind. If a person, when dead, has regrets, could this be the evil spirit that captures a person body? Would their regret cause them to become bitter and since they are dead and unable to correct anything, they become evil?

It also suggested that if a person's focus was more on the spiritual, then this person will be more acceptable of death than a person who was caught up in the physical. The person that is caught up in the physical will have a problem leaving the body that they have loved all the days of their life.

If when a person dies, the soul, hypothetically, comes back into a new born, is that a desire or love for the physical?

What really happens after death? Is it important?

For those who are alive, are we living with the soul of another?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

What happens to the soul after death?

This is something that I have always wanted to know. Where does the soul go? What does the soul do? Is it the same thing as a ghost? What is the difference if so?

I have heard stories about ghosts and all. I have heard that it takes a time for people to know that they are dead, how long? Wouldn't it be obvious, assuming that this is what happens, if a person dies and they don't know, they try to touch someone or talk to them and they realize that they can't, that they maybe dead? Can the soul hear? Wouldn't the soul hear, if they can, people talking about them? How long after a person dies can they still hear?

Does the Bible offer any explanation towards this?

As it relates to people who "dream" to people a lot, is it an indication of them knowing or fore seeing danger and warning persons, or them just not resting in peace?

These are some of the things I seek to find out.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

jquery wysiwyg editors

wanted to use a jquery wysiwyg (what you see is what you get) editor with a new cms. found one that looks ok but then when i clicked on the icon to add an image, it does not have the capability to browse. a user will have to copy the url and paste it into the editor. copying and pasting of the url is from a web site. it does not allow the user to browse their local machine for an image.

i then found out that it does not work in google's crhome browser.

if there is one that allows the user to browse, please let me know.

so i guess its back to using fckeditor.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

LA LEWIS Speaks Out On Dishonesty Raggastani, Ms. Kitty, etc - Jahkno.com

LA LEWIS Speaks Out On Dishonesty Raggastani, Ms. Kitty, etc - Jahkno.com

i can believe i sat down and watch this video. him just chat a bunch of foolishness. weh him know bout freemason and illumanti? hmm. i would be surprised though if there was actually some involvement.

didnt hear the story about ms kitty. dont know what to say about that.

the ragashanti thing, heard different stories so ill leave it alone.

wont comment on the beenie man thing either.


Blogging from mobile device

I just found out that I can keep my blog updated by following a few simple steps that allow me to blog from my Blackberry.

I have always had the idea but procrastinated to research and find out how its done.

I got the instructions from here: http://www.blackberryvsiphone.com/mobile-blogging/how-to-blog-via-blackberry-device.

I think that this is so convenient in the sense that there are things that I did, would want to blog about but thought I had to log into by blog account in-order to blog about it. By the time I get home or near a computer, I forget.

My blog should be kept up to date more often now.

quotes to help with success in your business

taken from Benjamin Franklin's 13 Secrets To Business Success
Then: "Lose no time; be always employ'd in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions."
Now: Life hackers and multitaskers will win the startup war every time.

Then: "Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time."
Now: Your modern day business has a lot of moving parts. Devise a system for keeping it all in order.
Then: "Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty."
Now: Shady business practices will come back to bite you.
Then: "Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another's peace or reputation."
Now: To ensure a healthy atmosphere, office romance should be handled with care.
Then:"Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e., waste nothing."
Now: Forget the fancy office chair, save that scrap paper and remember to brown bag a lunch.
Then: "Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable."
Now: When things go wrong, take a breath a relax. An occasional yoga class couldn't hurt.

Then: "Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, cloaths, or habitation."
Now: Get it together, and dress to impress.

Then: "Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation."
Now: You'll work harder without a hangover. Skipping the fourth cup of coffee couldn't hurt either.

Then: "Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly."
Now: Being straight forward is the best way to connect with customers and co-workers. Leave the slick sales talk at home.

Then: "Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve."
Now: Don't let problems fester and follow through once you've set a goal.

Then: "Avoid extreams; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve."
Now: Don't let one aspect of your business overwhelm all others. And when your competitors play dirty, don't take it personally.

Then: "Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation."
Now: Don't Tweet every random thought. Communication works best when you have something worthwhile to say.

Then: "Imitate Jesus and Socrates."
Now: ... or Warren Buffet, if you feel so inclined.