Monday, August 13, 2012

Create ftp user on symbolic link folder in Ubuntu

You cannot create or give ftp access to a folder that is a symbolic link. The solution is to use the mount command with the bind:

create the folder in the destination path first

sudu mkdir /destination/path/folder_name
enter system password

give access to the folder:
sudo chmod -R 777  /destination/path/folder_name

Then, mount folder to the destination path

sudo mount --bind /path/to/original/folder  /destination/path/folder_name

How to create a symbolic link on a folder in Ubuntu

A symbolic link is done by using the link, ln, command in the terminal.

The -s flag is used to indicate a symbolic link.

At the prompt, type:

sudo ln -s /path/to/original/folder  /new/path
enter system password

the /new/path excludes the name of the destination folder because it will be created from the command.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Has anyone ever wondered how it appears as though once a decision is made to do something that is different, breaking a habit, or just doing something to better one's self, the challenges seem to occur more frequently? That's what seems to be happening to me today. My challenges just appear to be happening more frequently.

After getting the assistance I needed, I feel equipped and ready and so I guess that this is where the challenges come in. Sometimes I feel as though I'm not getting anywhere and I honestly don't believe that that is due to me not seeing what is happening but more of a lack of understanding and patience from others. Why do I speak of a lack? Similar situations can and due occur and the response is different.

Life has a way of setting up situations in your life, to teach you things. Its always up to you to recognize, understand and act accordingly to what life throws at you. Its not going to be easy.

Don't give up no matter what, just believe in yourself and continue to do what you know is correct.
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel

No words

At times, all a person can do is write.

Not for a lack of words but as a means of expressing, releasing whats on the mind and just setting one's self free.