Friday, December 28, 2012

HTML 5 vs Native Mobile App Development

Now, there is alot of debate about using HTML 5 vs coding a mobile app for a specific OS. Right off the bat, I see the positive for using HTML 5 vs having an app to code and doing it more than one time due to the development in several languages to achieve the same thing. I just learnt about Xamarin, which uses C# to do a cross-platform programming for all applications. This is good. In one of the videos, a user said that he was using a language that he loves to develop mobile apps. Why cant this be the case for all programming languages? All programmers do not love and use the same programming language. Yes, the .Net framework is wonderful and it has alot of great features, but what if I use another language? I would be forced to use a language that I do not love. I am reminded of choosing a tablet, which I have been trying to decide for about a week now. One tablet has something, another one doesnt have the same thing, what do I do? I believe its the same with the war between HTML 5 and Native. I mean, the user experience is important and so is their feedback. Does native really provide everything? Speed? A good user interface? Functionality? Isnt it possible to have all that with a HTML 5 mobile app? It may not be the same interface, but the functionality will definitely be there. I believe in not re-inventing the wheel. And if in doing that, I am able to provide the same thing that a native app can do a different way, then why not? I do not think its being lazy, I believe that it is the way that the world is going. There are alot of things to consider: 1. development time 2. cost 3. speed 4. user interface 5. functionality 6. code reuse 7. Familiarity with a language vs learning one, which brings into consideration the learning curve 8. updates to the app (how easy it is to make updates and deploy) This is my two cents, what do you think?

Music to listen to while programming

I was at work and the thought came to me to research if there were any songs that a programmer could listen to while they are coding. Yes, I know that it all depends on the person as some people would prefer to have a quite place where they are all alone to concentrate to get the work done. But for someone like me who is a musician and loves music, I have to have something to listen to. So in my search I actually found a couple of sites that had music and links to music for those who want to listen to music while they are coding? Some artists are: 1. Carbon Based Lifeforms 2. Astral Projection 3. Issak Hypnotizer 4. Solar Fields 5. Aes Dana 6. Hol Baumann 7. I Awake 8. Hybrid Leisure-land 9. Thievery Corporation 10. Ludovico Eunaudi Links: 1. 2. 3. Is there a particular type of music that one should listen to? I don't think so. Whatever works for you will help. What would I listen to? Anything rap. I find that if its upbeat, crunky, hype, it will do for me. What works for you?