Sunday, October 11, 2009

holy ghost gym review

some time ago i mentioned that i would have started doing reviews on movies and videos, well, this is my first one. its a video from d.j. nicholas.

didnt like the video. i think that these people that produce videos or even coreograph videos in jamaica need help. yes, it tried to convey the message of "gym" and "God" and excercising as it relates to practising of the word but i think the video could have been done differently. at one point, the scenes of them on the mat moving was switching scenes like the lights of a disco in a night club. why?

at the beginning of the video, the girl says, take one but at the same time, d.j. nicholas was already sweating... hmmm

whats up with the umbrellers? if you are working out, thats what you should do but you cyaa.... sorry. im mixing patois and english, i do not think that you be working out and at the same time holding up an umbrella to shade from the sun.

the lyrics were ok. i have grown to expect good lyrics from nicholas. keep that up.

the lady that was adding the thing to the song, what was that???

the ad that was saying, lose sin for free was good. you do not need a credit card, all you need to do is to practise what the word of God says. Good.

i think overall, it was an ok video. i would have done things differently to bring out the same message though.

thinking of going into music video production... if and when i do, hopefully you will see a different in the production of videos from Jamaica.

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