Friday, October 8, 2010

Born gay?

Saw this post on fb "1
out of every 10 people born are gay. That means 1 out of every 10
people are put down, given bad labels, left alone,put in a minority,
and so much more all for something they didn't ask for. Many gay teens
are turning to suicide as a way of escaping. If you want to tell them will get better, and you respect ...them for who they are, copy
and paste this. Most of you won't, but let's see the 5% who will".

Born gay? That would mean that it is predetermined. Is it really predetermined? For it to be predetermined, wouldn't there have to be some genetics from either or both parents involved in the make-up of the fetus? That would mean that, either or both parents would have gotten it from their parents. Wouldn't that mean that the parents and grand-parents would have to be gay also? What if none of the two generations are gay? How can that be explained?

As for the rest of it, I do agree that they are in a minority group. It is sad.

Doesn't a person who is gay killing them self, dependent on where they live? From what I have seen and heard, a lot of states in America are granting the freedom to gays to get married.

Won't get into much details as I think it will go into definitions of words, freedom for people, the Bible and other things that I really don't know much about.


Anonymous said...

have you ever heard of recessive traits? i learned it in 9th grade biology class. your parents/grandpants don't have to be gay for you to be born gay. you fucking idiot.

Anonymous said...

"words, freedom for people, the Bible" yeah and I'd add genetics to that list too. The last post is correct, recessive traits, like both parents can have brown eyes, but still have a blue eyed baby. Also being black you should know about sickle cell anemia? Do both parents have it? NO! but they can still have a child with it!